
If your sales people are constantly running around putting out fires and trying to keep existing customers happy, they’re probably just as frustrated as you are that they haven’t closed any big deals lately.
Even worse, if you are running around putting out fires and trying to keep existing customers happy, you’re probably asking yourself, “If I have to do it all myself, why do I need all these other people anyway?”
This is when you let us help you develop systems for Customer Retention.
Roll Out Some Retention
Like Marketing and Conversion, Retention can be largely automated.
By creating and implementing a retention system before anything is sold, you’ll know exactly how to provide the continuous value that brings buyers back over and over again.
Automated Retention is accomplished through publishing and community building. That means more work for our old friends, social media, email, and website.
These workhorses, along with the analytics from our Aquisition, and Conversion efforts will help us deliver what your customers want – when, where, and how they want it.
Retain Through Relationship
By demonstrating that we know and care about your customers and providing them with continuous value, we’ll build relationships that last a lifetime.
So, by now, I’m sure you understand that properly utilizing automation in your marketing involves planning out and executing each stage of the company-customer interaction.
This is why people try to run a Facebook ad or two and get frustrated with the lack of results. It’s why every company has tried to publish a newsletter at some point in time and most of them have failed.
It’s why businesses spend money on web development only to suffer frustration at the hands of, “What next?”
This doesn’t have to be you.
Just think of that form at the bottom of the page like an official toe in the water of marketing done right. Just tell us a little about yourself and we’ll talk. No pressure.
Work With Us
If you think you might like to work with us to start, grow, or scale your company, just fill out the form to the left.
Don’t worry, all data is kept strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside of our company for any reason.
Once we receive your information, we will make contact with you within 1-3 business days.
Two Creative Digital Marketing
935 Deis Dr., Fairfield, OH 45014
(513) 258-2850